Edit 01 December 2020
by UIA Permanent Secretariat

URBACT transfer mechanism for UIA practices is launched!

URBACT transfer mechanism for UIA practices is launched!
URBACT transfer mechanism for UIA practices is launched!
We are glad to announce that URBACT has launched the Call for a pilot mechanism to transfer the most successful UIA experiences to other cities facing similar challenges in Europe.

Transferring the bold practices experimented on the ground through UIA to other urban realities across the European Union, is one of the key objectives of the Initiative and its Knowledge Management Strategy. With 86 projects ongoing in 20 Member States, UIA is generating thematic and operational knowledge to inspire the design and implementation of future strategies and projects that foster sustainable urban development.

The launch by URBACT of the pilot transfer mechanism falls into this objective. UIA and URBACT are therefore joining forces - with completed innovative projects and a tested transfer method – to transfer the knowledge generated by 17 UIA projects from the first generation of UIA (CALL 1) to urban authorities and local stakeholders facing similar challenges.

Energy transition, urban poverty, jobs and skills in the local economy and integration of migrants and refugees will be the main urban challenges foci of this pilot call.

This first pilot mechanism will also be important to draw lessons on how to embed the transferability dimension into future UIA projects within the European Urban Initiative for 2021-2027.

How does it work?

The pilot will finance up to four networks whose aim will be to adapt the UIA innovations and develop an investment plan to fund their implementation. These networks will use the URBACT method of exchange and learning with support from experts and peers to enable the transfer of practice. This means twelve European cities in total, three transfer partners and an UIA city leading this process per network.  

This call is open for urban authorities interested in becoming a Transfer Project Partner from 1st December 2020 to 1st February 2021. The pilot networks will run from March 2021 to September 2022.

Have a look at UIA projects main solutions on the URBACT Market Place and get more information on the URBACT website.


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