Project news
Edit 05 January 2021
by Energy group Circular South

News from the Circular South project!

News from the Circular South project!
News from the Circular South project!
Under the wings of the Circular South project, Ecopower united 80 enthusiastic residents in a neighbourhood energy group within the project area in Antwerp (neighbourhoods South, New South and Brederode). Ecopower organised and mentored 5 energy cafés where residents brainstormed about possible sustainable projects that can improve their neighbourhood.

The output of these energy cafés is used as a basis for the work that Ecopower carried out throughout the project. As a result, at least 3 solar projects will be built in the neighbourhood. The revenues of these solar installations will flow back to the residents that are member of the energy group. How? By transforming the revenues of the solar installations into an annual budget of 5.000 EUR that members of the energy group can apply for investments in local sustainable projects.

Since we are approaching the end of the Circular South project, we questioned the members of the energy group on how they envision the future of the energy group. What projects do they want the budget to be invested in? Do they want to contribute in achieving these projects? And to conclude, do they want Ecopower to keep supporting them in realising these projects after the end of the project?

More than 25% of the members (21 out of 80) responded on the questionnaire. Asking these members what kind of future activities the energy group should engage in, investments in new renewable energy projects are the most popular, followed by investments in charging stations for electric vehicles and bicycles, realising more EV’s in the neighbourhood and raising awareness of rational use of energy and renewable energy. To be able to achieve these goals, a score of 7,29 to 10 was granted for the need of remaining support by Ecopower after the end of the project. However, there is a big engagement within the energy group to roll up their sleeves and take practical action themselves. No less than 62% of the respondents engaged themselves to collaborate in setting the future path of the energy group in the coming months. The majority of these enthusiasts are interested in brainstorming about new neighbourhood projects and becoming an ambassador of projects and activities of the energy group. A more limited commitment is expected for collaborating in activities such as project management and coordination, financial management and technical management.

The output of these energy cafés is used as a basis for the work that Ecopower carried out throughout the project. As a result, at least 3 solar projects will be built in the neighbourhood. The revenues of these solar installations will flow back to the residents that are member of the energy group. How? By transforming the revenues of the solar installations into an annual budget of 5.000 EUR that members of the energy group can apply for investments in local sustainable projects.

Since we are approaching the end of the Circular South project, we questioned the members of the energy group on how they envision the future of the energy group. What projects do they want the budget to be invested in? Do they want to contribute in achieving these projects? And to conclude, do they want Ecopower to keep supporting them in realising these projects after the end of the project?

More than 25% of the members (21 out of 80) responded on the questionnaire. Asking these members what kind of future activities the energy group should engage in, investments in new renewable energy projects are the most popular, followed by investments in charging stations for electric vehicles and bicycles, realising more EV’s in the neighbourhood and raising awareness of rational use of energy and renewable energy. To be able to achieve these goals, a score of 7,29 to 10 was granted for the need of remaining support by Ecopower after the end of the project. However, there is a big engagement within the energy group to roll up their sleeves  and take practical action themselves. No less than 62% of the respondents engaged themselves to collaborate in setting the future path of the energy group in the coming months. The majority of these enthusiasts are interested in brainstorming about new neighbourhood projects and becoming an ambassador of projects and activities of the energy group. A more limited commitment is expected for collaborating in activities such as project management and coordination, financial management and technical management.


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