New Call for Partners: Urban Agenda for the EU Partnerships on Greening Cities and Sustainable Tourism
The Urban Agenda for the EU (UAEU) addresses urban challenges by setting up Partnerships between cities, the European Commission, other EU institutions and bodies, national governments and other stakeholders such as non-governmental organisations.
Together they develop action plans to:
- Improve existing regulation with regarding to urban areas and urban challenges
- Support and improve innovative and user-friendly sources of funding for urban areas
- Share and develop knowledge (data, studies, good practices).
The renewal of the Urban Agenda for the EU according to parameters adopted through the Ljubljana Agreement in November 2021 proposes the launch of two new Thematic Partnerships in 2022, one on Sustainable Tourism and one on Greening Cities.
More information regarding the call and the note for partners available below:
Greening Cities Info Note on call for partners
Sustainable Tourism Info Note on call for partners
Application deadline: 16 September 2022 at 18h00 CET