Launch of the COMMUTE project

The COMMUTE project was launched on Friday 13 April in Toulouse in the presence of Jean-Claude Dardelet, Vice-President of Toulouse Métropole in charge of European affairs and international development, Jean-Michel Lattes, President of Tisséo Collectivités and Vice-President of Toulouse Métropole in charge of urban mobility, Bernard Keller, Vice-President of Toulouse Métropole in charge of aeronautics, space and airport platforms, Raffaele Barbato, UIA project coordinator and all partners. This kick-off was a success with over 100 participants!
For three years, Toulouse Métropole, Tisséo Collectivités, Airbus, ATR, Safran, Afnor, Sopra-Steria, the Club d'entreprises Réussir, Toulouse-Blagnac airport and of course the European Commission will work together within the framework of collaborative governance in the field of urban mobility and innovative solutions to:
- Improve the lives of residents and employees
- Improve the energy performance and air quality of the area
- Strengthen its economic attractiveness
- Reinforce its demographic attractiveness
Round tables were organised around different themes and experiments:
- The COMMUTE adventure/co-construction and collective intelligence: this time of exchange allowed the industrialists involved to explain the origin of the COMMUTE project as well as their expectations within the framework of this participation in order to improve their working methods allowing a better home/work mobility.
- Public-private collaboration governance in urban mobility: as this is an innovative aspect of the project, the exchange made it possible to understand how this public-private collaboration will be organised and how it will evolve towards a normative process.
- The different COMMUTE experiments: the different experiments carried out within the framework of the project were presented by all the partners (carpooling, multimodal hub, digital platform, new working methods, etc...)
On the same day, the first Steering Committee of the COMMUTE project took place with the presence of all the partners. The objective was to present the project management plan (governance, finance, planning and workflow, KPI and risk management, etc), the communication plan and to organise the implementation of the work plan for 2018 with emphasis on the main milestones and expected deliverables.
Toulouse innovates thanks to Europe!