The COMMUTE reference framework for collaborative management of mobility projects: a COMMUTE shared legacy to facilitate the appropriation of the COMMUTE method by other labour pools

During three years, Toulouse Métropole, Tisséo Collectivités, Airbus, ATR, Safran, Afnor, Sopra Steria, the Club d’Entreprises Réussir and Toulouse-Blagnac airport successfully worked together to change mobility patterns.
Transferability was one of the goals of the COMMUTE project. Afnor, the French member of the international and European standardisation bodies, proposed to co-design with all partners an “ISO-standard-like” reference framework on collaborative governance of urban mobility, based on the COMMUTE project. The COMMUTE reference framework is the result of both collective work and bilateral exchanges with all COMMUTE partners. The content of the framework is addressed to other cities wishing to implement a collaborative governance model for their urban mobility management. It includes the general recommendations resulting from feedback from the COMMUTE partners. AFNOR also developed with COMMUTE partners a “methodological kit”, practical tools based on the COMMUTE experience, shared in the Annexes of the reference framework (see document below).