Kick-off ICCARus in Ghent
Both deputy-mayors of Housing and Social Affairs introduced ICCARus. They stressed the importance of this win-win project: renovating 100 houses belonging to captive households is beneficial for both the families as well as the city of Ghent. By renovating on a large scale, the housing quality of the neighborhoods increases.
Irmine Vermandere, the project- coordinator, explained the recruitment method of the target groups in the different city-neighborhoods. Followed by Tom Verbeke, researcher at KULeuven, who gave insights on the recurring fund. Dudu Colaker finished the presentation with a testimonial to illustrate the impact of ‘Dampoort KnapT OP’, a previous similar but microscale project in Ghent.
The four selected project-areas are Muide-Meulestede-Afrikalaan, Rabot-Blaisantvest, parts of Brugse Poort – Rooigem and parts of Dampoort- Sint-Amandsberg. We will start the first recruitment wave in May.
All partners are looking forward to getting started!