European Regional Development Fund
Find inspiration and innovative solutions for your city
Super Circular Estate (SCE) Project illustrated potential of reactivation of resources within existing built environments and helped us understand bet...
UIA Expert Elma Durmisevic interviews Michiel Ritzen from ZUYD University on the monitoring process of the Super Circular Estate project and its resul...
UIA Expert Elma Durmisevic explains how the “three new houses have been constructed by reusing more than 90% of materials from the existing building a...
UIA Expert Elma Durmisevic tells us how “the SCE consortium is already finalising the construction phase of the three new houses made of reused materi...
One of the lessons learned from Kerkrade’s project “regarding future buildings, is that reuse potential of building products need to be embodied into ...
The UIA Expert unveils Kerkrade’s initial achievements in the first journal....
UIA Expert Elma Durmisevic zooms into the differences between circular and conventional building process through interviews with the key members of th...
Take a look at the latest developments around Kerkrade’s project. ...
At the end of September 2024 the City of Halandri hosted the first EUI Policy Lab. Aimed at exploring the role of culture and cultural heritage for st...
With the initiative proceeding to its final stages, along 2023 the experience brought about by Cultural H.ID.RA.N.T. helped the Municipality of Haland...
As Cutural HI.D.RA.N.T. comes to its end, outcomes and results are collected and prepared to be discussed locally, nationally and internationally. Th...
As the four urban regeneration areas take shape and the building sites proceed in their making, the pathways and development trajectories of the initi...
The establishment of a digital tool combining institutional and everyday knowledge, collecting, organizing and systematizing raw material into an open...
Representatives from the Halandri partnership participated last March on a study visit in the city of Torino. The visit was the occasion to present th...
Cultural H.ID.RA.N.T. interprets Hadrian Aqueduct as a vehicle to reveal local cultural capital, tangible and intangible heritage, natural and man-mad...
The recovery of Hadrian Aqueduct stimulates an important conversation about water as commons, something that belongs to everybody and that as such nee...
Cultural H.ID.RA.N.T. project in Halandri focuses a part of its activities into the shaping and strengthening of local identities, with a work on memo...
Cultural H.ID.RA.N.T. project in Halandri forsees the reintroduction into city life of the roman Hadrian aqueduct. The ancient underground infrastruct...
Cultural H.ID.RA.N.T. project in Halandri forsees the reintroduction into city life of the roman Hadrian aqueduct. The ancient infrastructure will gai...
Breda's GreenQuays project served as a pioneering initiative to infuse more nature into the densely built medieval city centre by revitalising the riv...
Green Quays offers valuable lessons for harmonising urban developments with the desires and needs of their citizens. It has been a radically innovativ...
It is done! September 2023 – the GreenQuays have been built. In the middle of Breda, a new stretch of the river Mark has been uncovered and a new type...
The third Journal of GreenQuays explores how the project continues to deal with seven general implementation challenges of innovative project as well ...
The main innovative feature of the GreenQuays in Breda is to build them nature-inclusive. For achieving this, the construction will lay the foundation...
This Zoom in 2 looks into the experience, challenges and lessons learned with developing the multifunctional design and the implementation. Can it be ...
While most of the innovative tasks of planning the quays and testing different technical solutions have finished, GreenQuays is still running with the...
After 2,5 years of preparation the construction of the GreenQuays has started end of June 2022. A first stretch of the covered river Mark in Breda‘s c...
Breda is on the way to re-open its first pilot section of the broader river Mark projects, in which the city will bring back the old river Mark in the...
GreenQuays will be a first stretch of the reopened River Mark project in the city centre. The project will enable nature to take the space despite t...
The second Journal of GreenQuays explores how the project continues to deal with the seven major implementation challenges of innovative projects....
Building nature-inclusive quays is the task of the GreenQuays project and, at the same time, its challenge. How can nature be offered space in a dense...
The mindset on designing and using public urban space has changed in Breda in the 1990’s. Earlier, the city had decided to cover completely the origin...
Nature-Inclusive Quays (NIQ) are the core of innovative solutions of the GreenQuays project in Breda. The vertical quay walls of the reopened river Ma...
The first Journal of GreenQuays explores how the project deals with seven major implementation challenges of innovative projects....
Coming to the GreenQuays project team in Breda for the first time in June 2020, I have been hooked by the creative design of the planned nature-inclus...
Breda is a lovely city. The dense middle-age centre has many small streets and places to stroll around. This density does, however, leave only little ...
The Sevilla CartujaQanat program is by design, an ambitious and particularly relevant program for regions facing extreme heat phenomena and for urban ...
This zoom-in article focuses on the New Governance and Social Innovation component of the project Cartuja-Qanat in Sevilla, which aims to propose an i...
Sevilla in Spain, will be the battleground of Europe for extreme urban heat. A pilot space containing an amphitheatre, an underground gallery and open...
While images of empty cities made the world-tour and provoked understandable owe, empty and limited public space is in fact an imminent if not ever-pr...
The Metropolitan Water Supply and Sanitation Company of Sevilla (EMASESA) is the coordinating Partner in the Urban Innovative Actions Program ‘Cartuja...
In this Journal, UIA Expert Kostantina Karydi explores the achievements of the first year of the Sevilla CartujaQanat project across eight selected go...
RESILIO was completed in April 2022 and the developed roofs are flourishing. A year and a half later, we explore the legacy the project left behind fo...
While RESILIO roofs contribute to climate adaptation (heat, flooding, biodiversity), we need to be sure that the green infrastructure is drought proof...
Finalised roof of the Premselahuis Innovation Lab, used to test alternative design options and evaluate their efficiency. ...
A stepped process to evaluate the true potential of adaptive-blue green roofs for reducing flood risk ...
Why, how and when to engage citizens in the development of NBS? what are the challenges of engagement to be aware off?...
This is the 2nd Journal article describing progress of the RESILIO activities and associated implementation challenges. The purpose is to provide a nu...
Photo of the De Boel smart blue-green roof at Amsterdam Zuid (photo credits: De Dakdokters)...
Through an analysis and contextualization of the 7 implementation challenges, UIA expert Leon Kapetas presents the RESILIO project, which aims to deve...
RESILIO is the new Climate Adaptation project that takes place in Amsterdam and will install 10,000 m2 of Blue-Green Roofs on social housing complexes...
In this zoom-in, the issue of outdoor and indoor air quality in schools is discussed on the occasion of the project GBG_A2CC of the City of Barcelona....
This Web article presents a blueprint of actions for cities to draft their own adaptation plan to climate change, also exploiting their local knowledg...
Evaluation is an indispensable component of any project, especially innovation ones. It provides an understanding of the reliability of the applied me...
In this Web Article, the upscaling plan of the Climate Shelters project of the City of Barcelona is presented. The plan reflects a vision, namely to c...
The Journal (the 3rd for the Climate Shelters project) aims to provide an overview of the progress of the Climate Shelters project, with emphasis give...
In a world that’s becoming increasingly complex, there is a need to prepare especially young people for a future that will require good knowledge, an ...
In this Web Article, the approach of the City of Barcelona towards the development of Performance Indicators as tools for Adaptation to Climate Change...
Protecting citizens at the neighbourhood scale in the event of heat waves is at the core of the Climate Shelters project of the City of Barcelona. Rea...
It is only 10 am but air temperature in Barcelona is already high; another heat wave has hit the city, causing the further enhancement of the heat isl...
Image of the Can Fabras school yard following the conversion of the school to Climate Shelter ...
This zoom in focuses on a challenging feature of the Barcelona “Climate Shelters” UIA project, namely the methodology and criteria for the selection o...
To connect with people and communicate climate change effectively, one should convey more than climate facts to people. Instead, there is a need to un...
Image of Barcelona by Kaspars Upmanis on Unsplash...
In this journal, UIA Expert Constantinos Cartalis provides a contextualization of the Climate Shelters project within the policy context of the Europe...
In this article the UIA expert Elsa Pastor delves into the significance of prescribed fire, an activity initially programmed in GUARDIAN, a vital comp...
In this article the UIA expert Elsa Pastor digs into the ecosystem services’ valuation of La Vallesa forest to demonstrate the economic viability of t...
In this zoom-in the UIA expert Elsa Pastor digs into the participatory approach that GUARDIAN has implemented to engage communities within the global ...
In this article we show the main features of the monitoring, control and intelligence system that Medi XXI has designed for the GUARDIAN project. This...
In this article we provide all the details of the GUARDIAN official opening event that took place at Riba-roja and Paterna last April 7th. It was a gr...
In the third Journal of the Guardian project UIA expert Elsa Pastor reports on project progress during year 2021. She also analyses cross-cutting impl...
In this Zoom-in we summarize the conversation that we had with Ferran on less visible yet important aspects of the GUARDIAN project. During the interv...
In this article we present a preliminary overview of the methods and challenges that prof. Francesc Hérnandez and his team at Universitat de València ...
The main axis on which GUARDIAN's integrated fire management strategy pivots is the construction of green firebreaks, a fire management infrastructure...
GUARDIAN works are progressing at full speed this spring, as the initial commissioning of the entire hydraulic infrastructure is expected in 3 months’...
In the second Journal of the Guardian project UIA expert Elsa Pastor reports on project progress during year 2020. She also analyses cross-cutting imp...
Automatic preventive irrigation through water canyons is one of the several fire management actions that GUARDIAN is implementing at La Vallesa Wildla...
Water scarcity is increasing in many European countries, being the climate change crisis and the growing water demand in urban areas their main driver...
In her 1st Journal, Elsa Pastor, UIA expert of the GUARDIAN project, discusses all key activities that you need to know about GUARDIAN, what the proje...
While fire has been one of the most relevant elements for the advancement of mankind, paradoxically it has also been -and still is- the responsible fo...
Circular Economy is at the centre of many UIA projects. At the moment, UIA funds eight projects within the topic of Circular Economy under Call 2. Out...
Cultural Hidrant is contributing the conversation about green and just transition in the Athens area, showcasing how city resiliency, strategies of ad...
Cultural Hidrant is becoming a watershed for inter-municipal approaches to urban development and water services management. With its 23 km long path...
The GreenQuays project in Breda aims to develop and establish nature-inclusive quays. Although it was not in focus when developing the project, this Z...
In his 2nd Zoom-in, Constantinos Cartalis, UIA Expert for the Climate Shelters (Adapting Schools to Climate Change through green, blue and grey Soluti...
In the 1st zoom-in of the GUARDIAN project, UIA expert Elsa Pastor dives into the first piece of water infrastructure designed and implemented in GUAR...
Kerkrade_SuperCircularEstate_UIAExpert Journal (Nvb 2019)
Kerkrade_Super Circular Estate_UIAExpertJournal 2 (May2019)
Kerkrade_Super Circular Estate_UIAExpertJournal 1 (Nvb 2018)
Kerkrade Super Circular Estate Journal 4
A roof journey - RESILIO final report
Amsterdam_RESILIO_Journal (Jan 2020)
The technology behind the smart blue-green roofs – The Decision Support System
Barcelona_GBGAS2C_Journal 1 (Jan 2020)
GBG_A2C @Barcelona_Journal 2
Riba Roja_GUARDIAN_Journal (March 2020)