Project Presentation at the BIOHEC-LIFE Workshop

Used cooking oils (UCO) - waste originating from the food-processing and catering industries - play an important role in the emergence of biofuels. Their valorisation is encouraged by regulation, but less than 40% of UCO are currently collected and advanced biofuels (made from vegetable waste) still generate negative impacts on the environment and climate. The BIOHEC-LIFE Project (Full title: Advanced Biodiesel in a circular economy for a low carbon future with public transport) aims at the exploitation of UCO for the production of environmentally-friendly biofuel while promoting the social economy sector.
On 29/06/2018 Harokopio University hosted the GECCO-BIOHEC-LIFE Workshop, which also served as a meeting point for Greek stakeholders interested in renewable energies, sustainable transportation, social economy, energy independence and waste recycling to gather and discuss about the opportunities provided by a sound treatment of UCOs. During the Workshop, Prof. Katia Lazaridi of Harokopio University had the opportunity to present the A2UFood Project, its planned actions for food waste prevention and utilization as well as the expected results. Since the challenges that A2UFood aims to tackle, are well known in the circular economy and biowaste management stakeholders, the Project was well received and relevant synergies were discussed.