Open Info Day 3: The BSFS project at “Imeres Thalassas”

The two-day event was conducted in the Passalimani area at the city center, which is one of the pilot areas of the project (2nd municipal district). The event took place during the “1st recycling festival” in the morning hours (10:00-14:00) at Kanari Square and during the “Flowers festival” at Alexandras square in the evening (17:30-22:00).
The contribution of the Municipal Police representatives at the morning event was significant since they informed the public extensively about the Local Council for Crime Prevention (LCCP) and the role of the Municipal Police in preventing crime.
The BSFS booths attracted a large number of visitors, where BSFS brochures and promotional gifts were handed, enabling the partners to open a direct dialogue with the visitors.
More specifically, over 1500 citizens and visitors of Piraeus were reached and informed directly about the project and its goals. People of Piraeus welcomed the BSFS initiative and had the chance to learn more about the project’s targeted actions that will benefit the citizens directly:
- Local Council for Crime Prevention (LCCP)
- Victim Information Unit
- CURiM app
- Playground enhancements
- Lock up of abandoned buildings & beautification of vandalized property
- Crime prevention awareness & training sessions
The event was attended by the Mayor of Piraeus Mr Ioannis Moralis, the LCCP president & Deputy Mayor of the Municipal Police, Mrs Kyriaki Bourdakou, the Deputy Mayor of Communication – Promotion & Media, Mrs Andriana Zarakeli and other Deputy Mayors and city officials.
The Mayor of Piraeus shared with the national media Antenna TV that BeSecure-FeelSecure is a project dedicated to reinforce urban security and safety at Piraeus’ neighborhoods. The Mayor stressed out, among others, that: “The enhancement of eight playgrounds and the continuous awareness sessions to various local groups, that already have been planned to be implemented in the framework of the BSFS project, are among the initiatives to reach the primary goals of the project, to enhance urban security and the feeling of safety to our citizens”.
The Mayor of Piraeus, Mr. Ioannis Moralis talks about the BSFS project
The event was also a great opportunity for community empowerment and open dialogue. People of Piraeus expressed a great interest about the project and especially about the CURiM app and the public spaces enhancements. They welcomed the BSFS initiative, the municipality’s effort to be modernized and the effort to create a collaboration network between local bodies and citizens.
Edited by the BSFS Team