Green Minds, insight papers, case studies, and evaluations

Closure event
Green Minds piloted new ways of implementing nature-based solutions within urban environments, developing an approach which we call urban wilding.

The Green Minds final report has been published. This publication provides the briefest of overviews of this 5 year programme, funded through the European Regional Development Fund’s Urban Innovative Actions initiative, and Plymouth City Council and partners.

Locally, Green Minds has forged new relationships, changed policy and led to significant improvements in the quality of green spaces in the city – both for people and wildlife.
To share what we have learned through this process and to guide others to successfully follow a similar path, we have created a Knowledge Hub and Green Minds Toolkit. The Green Minds Toolkit is made up of a series of papers which examine key projects, trials, and work schemes which took place through the course of Green Minds. It has been co-authored by partners across the project, and offers a real breadth of insight and knowledge; from information on engaging children with nature to blue carbon research, social media studies to grassland management trials – there’s something of interest for everyone!


Find the report here. 


To access the full Toolkit visit our Knowledge Hub



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