E-Co Housing project was presented on Eco-logical Architecture Conference in Hungary

This year the scope of the conference was the residential buildings and renovation at nearly zero energy level. The audience heard about the Prata residential area of Lisbon from Renzo Piano. The Solar Decathlon innovation housebuilding competition was held in Hungary in 2019 and one of the finalist team from the University of Pécs presented their project, the renovation of the cube type houses from the 1980. Also the solutions of the greened residential towers called ‘Bosco Verticale of Budapest’ were described.
The E-Co Housing project was presented in form of a pre-recorded 15-minute film. The Vice-Mayor of Zugló summarized the long-term goal of the project, namely to create a sustainable housing community serving as a best practice for other local governments in Hungary supporting to revitalize the existing social housing sector. The architects and the engineers of the project explained that a focus group was set up to model the future tenants’ aspects and needs, everyday habits and challenges that were highly considered during the design process.
As the E-Co-Housing project also aims to create a nearly zero energy intelligent building, engineers outlined that low overhead costs and residential emissions are supported by smart solutions, solar panels and various energy efficiency methods. All green energy generating elements will be connected to the building management system (BMS) which will allow to monitor energy production needs and consumption patterns.