CALICO Final conference: Save the date!

CALICO, ‘CAre and LIving in COmmunity’, is a project of 34 apartments in cohabitation offering a generational and social mix in interaction with the neighbourhood. Its priorities are gender, welcoming birth and end-of-life at the heart of living together, care, and access to housing within the framework of a “Community Land Trust”, i.e. land held as common property.
The implementation period of the CALICO project ends on October 31, 2021. It is an opportunity for the team and partners to offer a first feedback on their experience and to open the door to various discussions on the project’s results and achievements.
We therefore invite you to attend this day of reflection, exchange and debate, for which you will find the draft agenda as an attached file on this page.
The registration link will follow up in the coming weeks, so please stay tuned and keep checking CALICO’s website.