The fifth Call for Proposals was launched on 16/09/19 and closed on 12/12/19. It was dedicated to four topics: air quality, circular economy, demographic change and culture and cultural heritage. The approved projects were announced on 06/07/2020.
11 projects funded coming from 8 Member States
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222 applications received from 23 Member States
The fifth UIA Call for Proposals generated a strong interest from all over the European Union, with 222 applications from 23 EU Member States.
The core audience (48%) remains cities between 50.000 and 250.000 inhabitants, which is in line with the average European urban fabric. However, only 18% of the applying urban authorities are cities with less than 50 000 inhabitants (compared to 26% in the previous Call) - and have therefore opted for a joint bid with other municipalities - whereas 34% of the applicants are large cities above 250.000 inhabitants (compared to 21% in the previous call).
Air quality
Circular economy
Demographic change